Data Updated
Trusted by +100 Companies
100% Data Protected

Data Powered by AI
for Best Lead and Growth

Premium Leads Made in France
Made for Growth
+1000 Packs
Unit Pricing
0.05€ - 0.16€
Own 100%
Global Partners
World +100
Email Per Campaigns
[ 01 / 06 ]

Packdata transforms lead generation through state-of-the-art artificial intelligence. Our advanced algorithms meticulously choose top-quality leads, offering your business a significant competitive advantage. Tap into the power of our innovative technology to enhance your lead generation strategy and ignite unparalleled growth.

Accurate Data

Unlock New Markets
with Precision Data

Our data isn’t just numbers; it’s your gateway to new opportunities. With Packdata, you gain access to precise and targeted data that opens doors to untapped markets. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, our data helps you find new customers without effort.
Access detailed and verified data
Identify and target new market segments with ease.
Reduce customer acquisition costs with precise data.
Increase marketing ROI with targeted campaigns.
ROI with Smart Data

Boost Your ROI with
Intelligent Data Solutions

Investing in data should yield immediate returns. Packdata’s intelligent data solutions ensure you see a significant boost in your ROI from the first campaign. Our advanced algorithms and reliable data sources mean you get the best insights and leads, tailored to your business needs.
Immediate ROI from the first data-driven campaign.
Higher conversion rates with quality leads.
Increase in revenue and business growth.
Enhance customer loyalty and repeat sales.
engagement rates

Reliable and Secure Data for Your Peace of Mind

Struggling with email marketing? Packdata offers a seamless solution with verified leads and high engagement rates. Our data is continuously monitored to ensure minimal bounce rates and maximum impact. Say goodbye to spam traps and hello to effective email campaigns.
Leads with less than 1% hard bounce rate.
Retain email credits even when campaigns are paused.
Real-time visibility of opens and clicks via Google Analytics.
Trusted by businesses for consistent and effective email marketing.
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Main Features
Unlimited Power

But ... not only that amazing features.We offer a comprehensive and unlimited solution to maximize your marketing campaigns and achieve your goals efficiently.

Unlimited Emails Sent

Send as many emails as you need without any restrictions. Increase your reach and engage your audience without limits.

Over 6.39 Billion Leads

Access a vast database of leads to fuel your campaigns and target potential customers worldwide.

Unlimited Warm-Ups

Prepare your email addresses with unlimited warm-ups to ensure optimal deliverability and avoid blockages.

Multichannel Sequences

Send as many emails as you need without any restrictions. Increase your reach and engage your audience without limits.

Unlimited Campaigns

Launch as many campaigns as you want to test different strategies and achieve your marketing goals.

API Access (Coming Soon)

Soon enjoy our API access to easily integrate our services with your existing systems and automate your marketing processes.

Monitoring Dashboard

Track your performance in real-time with our intuitive dashboard and keep an eye on all aspects of your campaigns.

Unlimited Integrations

Integrate our tools with your current software ecosystem without any limitations for perfect synergy of your marketing tools.

Get Started with PackData
[ 03 / 06 ]
Delivered : 98%
Opened : 78.3%
Unopened : 21.7%
Delivered : 95.3%
Opened : 72.7%
Unopened : 27.3%
Delivered : 96.1%
Opened : 77.1%
Unopened : 22.9%

With our extensive data and advanced artificial intelligence (AI), we swiftly uncover market opportunities and perform market studies at lightning speed, enabling our clients to save significantly.

Bounce Rate

Our email and contact databases are constantly monitored by our algorithms, ensuring a hard bounce rate below 1%.

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Reliable Sources

Precision is the soul of success.

Our data comes from sophisticated algorithms developed and refined over the years, aggregating information from reliable sources.

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Quality Control

Quality is not an act, it is a habit.

Our algorithms analyze verified data in real-time from multiple sources, eliminating outdated or incorrect information to retain only accurate data. Each source is rigorously selected and evaluated based on strict criteria to ensure quality.

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GDPR Compliance

Trust begins with transparency.

We comply with GDPR, ensuring the data collected is conformant. We obtain explicit user consent, ensure transparency, and offer the right to view, modify, or delete their personal information.

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Secure Cloud

Security you can count on, always.

We use advanced cloud infrastructure to host your data. Communications are secured with SSL X509 certificates, ensuring encryption and protection against any interception.

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Internal Security

Protection at its finest.

Our security system monitors access to prevent intrusions. It integrates threat detection protocols. Our team conducts regular audits and uses advanced firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

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Global Reach

South America
North America
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Harness the power of our AI-driven lead generation to propel your business forward. Our precise targeting and comprehensive data analytics ensure you connect with the right prospects at the right time. Experience seamless integration and immediate impact with our tailored solutions, designed to optimize your marketing efforts and maximize your ROI from day one.
+28,8M records
+23,2M records
+24,8M records
+37,3M records
Emails Pro
Phone numbers
+18,4M records
Almost immediate return on investment (ROI) from the first campaign.
[ FAQ ]
Our answers to your questions
Who is the founder of Packdata and what are his achievements?

The founder of Packdata has developed over 10 patents, including 7 internationally. He also created a mobile application that reached 4th position on the global store. His innovations have enabled him to stand out, even ahead of some GAFAM companies. His vision and technical skills have been crucial to the success and credibility of Packdata.

How does Packdata stand out from its competitors?

We stand out through the precision of our data, our advanced technology, and our commitment to providing personalized and effective solutions.

What is the frequency of your data updates?

Our databases are continuously updated to ensure the freshness and relevance of the information.

How do you ensure the quality and reliability of the data?

We use advanced algorithms and Packdata's proprietary software to constantly verify and update the data, ensuring its accuracy.

Where does the data used by Packdata come from?

Our data comes from algorithms we have developed and updated since 2011, which analyze and aggregate information from reliable and verified sources.

Do you offer a trial period or a free demo?

Yes, we offer demos to showcase the effectiveness of our services and how they can benefit your business. Pre-visibility on our packages.

What support do you offer to your clients?

We offer dedicated customer support, accessible via chat, email, and phone to answer all your questions and assist you as needed.

How can I integrate your data into my CRM?

We offer easy integrations with most popular CRM systems so you can use our data seamlessly.

How can I track the performance of my campaigns?

We provide detailed reports and analyses through Google Analytics so you can track opens, clicks, and user engagement.

How do these advantages translate into performance and results for clients?

Nearly immediate return on investment (ROI) from the first campaign. Growth and increased revenue. Enrichment of the client database, enhancing customer loyalty and sales opportunities.

What security measures are in place to protect client data?

We implement several security measures: GDPR compliance, secure cloud infrastructure with X509 SSL certification, and internal security software to monitor and protect data against unauthorized access.

How does your sales approach work?

For an email campaign requested by our client, we use the Packdata method to identify leads in our databases and expand their market. We directly provide the client with leads who open and click on the emails. The client does not need to supply leads because we already know their future customers and potential buyers of their services and solutions. The data belongs entirely to our clients, ensuring their autonomy and security.

What are the main issues we solve?

Our clients often mention issues with email campaigns, such as those conducted through Brevo, Mailchimp, or Sarbacane, which are frequently halted to combat spam. We monitor each email, and our clients retain their credits when competitors reset them. Data is essential for our clients' growth as it allows precise targeting of prospects and optimization of marketing campaigns.

What is the number of new leads collected monthly?

It all depends on the sector. For example, a lawyer or a certified accountant will update their profile less frequently than a salesperson in multiple fields or a freelancer. With over 6 billion contacts in our databases, more than 340 billion records in over 110 countries, and more than 750 categories, our goal is now to keep this volume up to date rather than to increase it.

What are the terms of your contract?

Our contracts are flexible and can be tailored to the specific needs of your business. Please contact us for more details.

What is your refund policy?

We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with our services, we will discuss possible solutions, including refunds.

What are the main industries you serve?

We serve over 750 job categories, including the finance, marketing, and technology sectors, among many others.

What features are offered to clients after purchase?

We automatically offer a free email campaign with every pack purchase.